Blogging Success Rules…..



To be honest, the real secret to blogging success is Quality over Quantity. Now any people ask why we need quality when we can post a lot of blogs on our page?

The reasonable answer is that, Yes! You need quantity in your blog initially to jump start it, but still that quantity must accompanied by quality. No one has time to read your stuff if they do not provide a value to them, No one wants to read your stuff if it doesn’t solve any of their problems. You have to make a lasting impression with your blog posts so that your loyal subscribers keep following you and read your stuff on daily basis and even share your stuff on other social media platform.

When i first started writing when i was just learning, i always focused on quantity not quality. I had this misconception that quantity will attract people to my writing, but its not hat simple. After a while a realized that it was quality that attracts people, not only in blogging but in every business, art, sport and services. Then i made a habit of this ‘quality’ thing, now i only focus on quality.

If you provide quality in your content, then one day you will be successful tremendously and riches will come to you at your door step. So make a habit of Quality not quantity.